Reuters: U.S. military sees more use of laser, microwave weapons
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military has made strides in developing lasers, microwaves and other directed energy weapons, and could soon use them more widely, top armed forces officials and U.S. lawmakers told an industry conference on Tuesday.
The officials described weapons that are in various stages of development and testing by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Army, but said more work was needed to scale up the technology for larger weapons, develop tactics for their use, and ensure sufficient funding.
"Directed energy brings the dawn of an entirely new era in defense," Lieutenant General William Etter, Commander, Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, told a conference hosted by Booz Allen Hamilton and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment.
More News On Pentagon Laser/Microwave Weapon Projects
Pentagon officials cite challenges in maintaining technological edge -- Air Force Times
US Special Forces pursuing AC-130-based ‘active denial system’ -- Flight Global
USAF holding old gunships for laser demos -- Flight Global
The Big Zap -- The Hill
What Will Happen To You When You Storm a US Military Checkpoint? -- Defense one
Laser Weapons: Technology Evolves but Politically a Tough Sell -- National Defense