Poll: Only 21% of Americans Approve Of The Iran Deal
September 09, 2015
PEW Research Center: Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls
Public Awareness of Issue Has Declined Since July
As Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined. Currently, just 21% approve of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program reached between the United States, Iran and other nations. Nearly half (49%) disapprove of the agreement, while three-in-ten (30%) offer no opinion.
In mid-July, a week after President Obama announced the deal, 33% of the public approved of the agreement, while 45% disapproved and 22% had no opinion. Over the past six weeks, the share approving of the agreement has fallen 12 percentage points (from 33% to 21%), while disapproval has held fairly steady (45% then, 49% now). Somewhat more express no opinion than did so in July (22% then, 30% now).
Update #1: Only 21% of Americans approve of the Iran Deal -- Insider
Update #2: Americans not behind Iran deal -- Mark Mellman, The Hill
WNU Editor: And I am willing to wager that this 21% number is "soft". But even though there is little if any support from the American public for the Iran nuclear deal ... here is an easy prediction/analysis .... President Obama and his supporters in Congress do not care. This deal is going through .... even if only 2% of the American public supports it. In Iran .... if the polls are to be believed .... support for the nuclear deal is around 75% .... Iranian support for nuclear deal reflects misunderstanding, poll shows (Globe and Mail)
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