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1. General Discussion
Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board.
2. Education and Science
Education make the world go ‘round. Every subject in school is a revelation to us when we are young and our education extends through our lifetimes. School is a big part of this, but we all know that our self-education is equally important. School is for learning how to learn and then our own interests take us further down the … Keep Reading → educational path. Knowledge is central to education, whose purpose is ultimately to advance knowledge. Along the way, some decisions are made by educators, but even more are made by the students themselves. This section contains information and discussions about schools, colleges and universities, and the subjects taught – which grow as our lives become more complex. Parents need knowledge of education techniques and how to deal with homework questions, college planning, and information that helps their children figure out their path. Students benefit from reading about how others found their way and made important decisions. The curriculum areas help us look at areas of interest and may be inspirational and informative.
3. Arts And Humanities
Feel free to post the latest and best events of arts and humanities including merits,demerits,growth,development,features,importance or significance,impacts,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Arts & crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands and skill. Every culture and person throughout history has created arts and crafts. Visual art takes many forms – drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture, interior design, and graphic arts like photography and printing. Basket … Keep Reading → makers, wood carvers, furniture makers, stonemasons, and those who sew are craftspeople. Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Each person forms his own opinions, his own preferences in art, and his own style of creating art. Crafts are different from other art forms as they are concerned with function as well as beauty: they are made to be used. Many people work in arts and crafts industries, but even more do arts and crafts as the outlet for their creativity. Every technique and medium of art requires tools and materials,. The quality of the tools and materials is as important as what the artist brings to the exercise. An understanding of the techniques and media is vital. People who make arts and crafts are passionate and want to share their knowledge with others.
4. Science And Technology
Feel free to post the latest and best events of science and technology including the origin,growth,development,discoverings,merits,demerits,methodologies,impacts,significance or importance,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Knowledge & Education make the world go ‘round. Every subject in school is a revelation to us when we are young and our education extends through our lifetimes. School is a big part of this, but we all know that our self-education is equally important. School is for learning how to learn and then our own interests take us further down the … Keep Reading → educational path. Knowledge is central to education, whose purpose is ultimately to advance knowledge. Along the way, some decisions are made by educators, but even more are made by the students themselves. This section contains information and discussions about schools, colleges and universities, and the subjects taught – which grow as our lives become more complex. Parents need knowledge of education techniques and how to deal with homework questions, college planning, and information that helps their children figure out their path. Students benefit from reading about how others found their way and made important decisions. The curriculum areas help us look at areas of interest and may be inspirational and informative. Technology, what could be more pervasive in our 21st-century lives? Technology is any advance in making useful things. Most technologies are based on the sciences - engineering, industry, energy, communications, computers, electronics, transportation, etc. Technological developments began with the Stone Age and have included industrial … Keep Reading → technology, the steam engine, railroads, photography, the printing press, telephones, automobiles, electricity, radio, synthetic fibers and rubber, aircraft, television, nuclear energy, lasers, space exploration, computers, personal electronics, the Internet, and green and alternative energy. Technological advances take place in every country of the world and affect our lives in many positive ways, lessening physical barriers to communication and allowing humans to interact freely on a global scale.. It is tricky, though, to keep up with the innovations and each new, new thing. If you want to compete in today’s world, it is important to keep up with technology in order to get the most out of the technology you have, to keep abreast of emerging new technology, and to find the information that will help you make the right buying decisions.
5. Social Sciences
Feel free to post the latest and best events of social sciences including merits,demerits,reasonable criticism,growth,development,importance or significance,methodologies,features,impacts,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Social science is the academic discipline concerned with society and human behavior. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to anthropology, archaeology, criminology, economics, education, history, linguistics, communication studies, political science and international relations, sociology, geography, law, and psychology.
6. Personal Finance
Personal Finance is the application of the principles of finance to the monetary decisions of an individual or family unit. It addresses the ways in which individuals or families obtain, budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events. Components of personal finance might … Keep Reading → include checking and savings accounts, credit cards and consumer loans, investments in the stock market, retirement plans, social security benefits, insurance policies, and income tax management. Topics in this area include assessing one’s personal financial situation, setting goals, creating a detailed financial plan, discipline and perseverance in executing the plan, and monitoring and reassessment of one’s plan over time. There is a lot of advice out there, and an individual can make informed opinions when given enough information. This is the place to read and talk about retirement planning, investing, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, credit, taxes, saving money, debt management, and more.
7. Autos
Automotive topics inspire much opinion, passion, and interest. Many people claim that vehicles are simple transportation, but most people feel strongly about what they drive – and what they want to ultimately drive. Buying and selling vehicles is a big investment requiring knowledge, research, patience, and timing. The care and maintenance of … Keep Reading → vehicles is the difference between making that investment pay off or wasting money. Learning how to drive is a milestone in life, but it is also a continual process as traffic and vehicles change. We all have an interest in how to drive safely and efficiently. Keeping up with the car industry is fun for some, but confusing for others. Getting advice and information and making decisions on automotive topics is important to our vehicle-centric society. People have questions about car buying, ownership, maintenance, repairs, insurance and other automotive topics, and there are many experts and knowledgeable people who want to share information with this appreciative audience.
8. Books, Literature, and Writing
Books writing go back thousands of years. We have gone from clay tablets and papyrus lists to community-written encyclopedias and user-generated content on the Internet. Our writings store the thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of individuals, groups, and societies. There are many types of writing and books, from religious works to … Keep Reading → non-fiction to plays and stories, to periodicals like newspapers and magazines. In our everyday world of school and business, we write and read all the time – so we have many questions about how to write, how to publish, what to read. Publishing has exploded from print into the world of the Internet, where our inner novelist, chronicler, or explainer is free to expound for thousands to read. We are a society of communicators via writing and we know that it preserves thoughts and ideas that would otherwise be lost. Writers look for inspiration, for guidance, for information on grammar, spelling, style, making money, and more. In this time of social networking sites and self-publishing, it is a revolution for both writers and readers.
9.Pets and Animals
Pets & Animals are kept by many people as companions – the most common being cats and dogs. Other mammals make good pets, like rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, and hamsters. Some people keep reptiles, amphibians, and fish in tanks or other enclosures. Others have birds in cages. The first domesticated, or tame, animals were kept by ancient people … Keep Reading → since about 2000 BC, but we are interested in animals in general and love to learn more about them, including extinct prehistoric animals. We want to be aware of wild animals and insects in our environment. With our pets, there are questions about how to choose them, how to care for and feed them. We trust the veterinarian, but some matters can be handled without paying for advice. Fellow animal lovers offer advice and encouragement in situations where the owner can use others’ expertise to make improvements in their pet’s life.
Technology, what could be more pervasive in our 21st-century lives? Technology is any advance in making useful things. Most technologies are based on the sciences - engineering, industry, energy, communications, computers, electronics, transportation, etc. Technological developments began with the Stone Age and have included industrial … Keep Reading → technology, the steam engine, railroads, photography, the printing press, telephones, automobiles, electricity, radio, synthetic fibers and rubber, aircraft, television, nuclear energy, lasers, space exploration, computers, personal electronics, the Internet, and green and alternative energy. Technological advances take place in every country of the world and affect our lives in many positive ways, lessening physical barriers to communication and allowing humans to interact freely on a global scale.. It is tricky, though, to keep up with the innovations and each new, new thing. If you want to compete in today’s world, it is important to keep up with technology in order to get the most out of the technology you have, to keep abreast of emerging new technology, and to find the information that will help you make the right buying decisions.
11. Sports and Recreation
Watching sports is one of the favorite recreational activities for people all over the world. When we think of sports we often think of the great athletes that play sports such as football and baseball; but some of the finest athletes in all of sports are not human. There are popular sports that feature the grace and athleticism of animals. … Keep Reading → Horse racing is enjoyed by people all over the world. Classic races such as The Kentucky Derby and the rest of the “Triple Crown” races attract huge crowds at the track as well as on television. Another significant event in horse racing is the Breeders Cup, which is a series of races that attracts the best horses in a variety of categories. Horses show their athletic ability in other competitions as well. Equestrian is a more controlled sport that features horses maneuvering through a course and performing various jumps. Horses aren’t the only animal that competes in sports. Though not as popular, dog racing has a loyal base of fans. Perhaps because dogs are often beloved pets, the concept of dog racing has never gained widespread acceptance.
12. Business and Employment
Business & jobs: not many topics are much more important to people of the 21st century. With the rise of technology and more than six billion people on our planet, our options have both grown and shrunk. What we choose to do for a job or career often guides our life and happiness. There are topics for job seekers, career builders, and students … Keep Reading → looking toward the future. Others want to read the latest business and stock market news, financial advice, and information on global economy. The mass of information about commercial, financial, and industrial activities; production and manufacture, exchange and distribution of goods or commodities, and the management of money and other assets makes most of us look to those with training and experience for advice and answers. Because our work landscape has changed so much the past decade and will continue to evolve, business skills are a hot topic. What we once looked up in a book, we now often look up on the Internet. What was once created by hand may now be programmatically done. We all feel the need to keep up, to retain our jobs, move ahead, and make changes that will benefit our work life.
13. Religion and Philosophy
Religion and Beliefs are complex topics. There are many different religions, each with their own beliefs. Those beliefs are interpreted and practiced differently by each person in a religion. Religions try to explain the creation of man, the essence of life and being human, and offer suggestions for leading good, fulfilling lives. Some of the … Keep Reading → most popular religions had their origins thousands of years ago: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Religions usually have a god or deities that are worshipped; others have teachings that guide the way the believers live. Religions may build structures in which to worship: churches, temples, synagogues, shrines, etc. They may have documents, such as the Bible and Koran, that they follow, and special symbols. There are people who lead the religions and the ceremonies in the places of worship, including ministers, priests, bishops, and popes. Each religion has religious holidays and feasts that are celebrated. There are also those who do not believe or who are skeptical or undecided. Religion and beliefs are concerned with social issues, history, and politics. Religious belief can also involve causes, principles, or activities believed in with zeal or conscientious devotion concerning points or matters of ethics or conscience.
14. Politics and Social Issues
Politics & Social Issues are matters directly or indirectly affecting members of society and the processes by which groups of people make collective decisions. The election and behavior of civil governments is the main form of politics, but there are other interactions, such as with corporate, academic, and religious institutions. Basically it … Keep Reading → consists of social relations and issues involving authority or power. Social issues are considered to be problems or controversies, usually related to moral values, and religion often plays an important role. Specific social issues include abortion, animal rights, church and state, crime and punishment, the economy, education, the environment, health insurance, human rights, poverty. Many people choose an issue they care deeply about and want to do something about. What do you care about? This is a place to research issues and hear what others have to say.
15. Arts and Design
Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands and skill. Every culture and person throughout history has created arts and crafts. Visual art takes many forms – drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture, interior design, and graphic arts like photography and printing. Basket … Keep Reading → makers, wood carvers, furniture makers, stonemasons, and those who sew are craftspeople. Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Each person forms his own opinions, his own preferences in art, and his own style of creating art. Crafts are different from other art forms as they are concerned with function as well as beauty: they are made to be used. Many people work in arts and crafts industries, but even more do arts and crafts as the outlet for their creativity. Every technique and medium of art requires tools and materials,. The quality of the tools and materials is as important as what the artist brings to the exercise. An understanding of the techniques and media is vital. People who make arts and crafts are passionate and want to share their knowledge with others.
16. Entertainment and Media
Entertainment consists of the activities and diversions we participate in to amuse ourselves during some of our leisure time. Entertainment is defined as generally passive: watching broadcasts or movies, seeing a play or musical performance, reading books, etc. As much as we are drawn to active pursuits such as arts and crafts and recreation and … Keep Reading → sports, we make a place in our downtime for letting others make us laugh, cry, or learn. The entertainment industry is full of celebrities that we enjoy watching as well as finding out what they do, who they are with, and how they live. And then there is music: the many genres, artists, songs, and ways to enjoy them. The “top 40” on the radio is a thing of the past and personal playlists define us now. The staged variety shows are no more, but reality shows and contestants competing in all sorts of performing arts and recreational pursuits are the norm. Entertainment media is part of our everyday life.
17. Health
Health problems and advice, tips on general well being. Health is something we cherish. People want trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. They want to read about symptoms and get an idea of what they are dealing with if there is a problem. There’s much to know about prescription and over-the-counter drugs. And the endless array of tests and procedures make us ask many … Keep Reading → questions so we understand risks and results. Mainly, we want to do what we can to live a healthy lifestyle without going overboard. Finding the right exercise regime, a balanced diet, and other healthful ways of living have fueled billion-dollar industries. Shared expertise empowers you to manage your health. Information and tools for a healthy lifestyle help us move toward overall health, which is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
18.Gender and Relationships
Gender and Relationships Gender & Relationships is an area full of stories, good and bad and in between, as well as myriad advice. Relationships and gender differences require understanding. One of the most important journeys in human life is the quest for a satisfying, enduring love relationship. This search is nearly universal, and a lasting love is the goal of most … Keep Reading → people in most societies. This search has an unparalleled power and immerses us in many of the strongest emotions we will experience in our entire lives. We look for ways to make a relationship work better for both men and women. Some potential problems reflect important gender differences and needs, while others involve gendered expectations about the love relationship itself. Our search for love relationships is also influenced by deep-seated ideas about how women and men "should" behave in courtship, love, and marriage. We look for an enhanced understanding of what both women and men bring to a love relationship, and -- just as important -- what they need to get from it. Real thoughts of real people. There are few topics more interesting to students than gender differences and romantic relationships.
19.Holidays and Celebrations
Holidays & Celebrations are cause for fun, but also stress. We want ideas, clever ones, but also easy enough to carry out without making what is supposed to be fun into a burden. Here’s the place for people to share their tips and hints for holiday fun, special occasions, and seasonal activities; party planning, and gift-giving. Behind every … Keep Reading → holiday or celebration, though, there is a story or stories. It’s great to learn how these occasions started and evolved, how they were originally celebrated and what is different now. Birthdays and anniversaries are times of remembrance and also thinking about the future. Some celebrations and holidays require costumes, greeting cards, games and activities, special recipes, and arts and crafts. Whether you are looking to freshen up an old tradition or initiate a new one, it helps to read about others’ successes as well as failures. With planning and deep breathing, most celebrations and holidays are happy events.
20. Food and Cooking
Food for thought is a saying, but what is more thought-about than food? It’s a passion – what we eat, where to eat, what to cook, how to cook, plus all the associated topics such as diet and nutrition, cookware and kitchen equipment, dishes, party ideas, cooking techniques, farming, and food shopping. We own cookbooks, but we want to know … Keep Reading → about others’ favorites. We have recipes we have mastered, but are always looking to collect others’ favorites and try out new ones. There’s the million little secrets, hints, and tips that make these projects so challenging and fun. But we are also a society of diners, partaking more and more of foods prepared in markets, delis, specialty shops, and restaurants. Information on what’s healthy and what’s not is a fascination we witness on a daily basis. Today’s generation of eaters want as much information and expertise as they can get and welcome chances to try out many new ingredients, dishes, and techniques. We also want ease and simplicity because our time is a commodity.
If you create something that is of great quality, make sure you ask your friends to tag it or share it for you. Share your information easily with your friends. Please To post information on any of Royal Trigger Websites you will look at the icons on your left on Royal Trigger forum website and you will see some social network icons. Perhaps the most common way, and the way in which most of us use social media, is sharing information about ourselves or things we find interesting. Because Royal Trigger helps you share what you love, they use social media to highlight their experts, as well as the resources that is available to the public. This includes tweeting and posting news releases to Facebook and other social networks, but also publicizing news involving the website appearing in mainstream media sources.
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1. General Discussion
Feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board.
2. Education and Science
Education make the world go ‘round. Every subject in school is a revelation to us when we are young and our education extends through our lifetimes. School is a big part of this, but we all know that our self-education is equally important. School is for learning how to learn and then our own interests take us further down the … Keep Reading → educational path. Knowledge is central to education, whose purpose is ultimately to advance knowledge. Along the way, some decisions are made by educators, but even more are made by the students themselves. This section contains information and discussions about schools, colleges and universities, and the subjects taught – which grow as our lives become more complex. Parents need knowledge of education techniques and how to deal with homework questions, college planning, and information that helps their children figure out their path. Students benefit from reading about how others found their way and made important decisions. The curriculum areas help us look at areas of interest and may be inspirational and informative.
3. Arts And Humanities
Feel free to post the latest and best events of arts and humanities including merits,demerits,growth,development,features,importance or significance,impacts,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Arts & crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands and skill. Every culture and person throughout history has created arts and crafts. Visual art takes many forms – drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture, interior design, and graphic arts like photography and printing. Basket … Keep Reading → makers, wood carvers, furniture makers, stonemasons, and those who sew are craftspeople. Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Each person forms his own opinions, his own preferences in art, and his own style of creating art. Crafts are different from other art forms as they are concerned with function as well as beauty: they are made to be used. Many people work in arts and crafts industries, but even more do arts and crafts as the outlet for their creativity. Every technique and medium of art requires tools and materials,. The quality of the tools and materials is as important as what the artist brings to the exercise. An understanding of the techniques and media is vital. People who make arts and crafts are passionate and want to share their knowledge with others.
4. Science And Technology
Feel free to post the latest and best events of science and technology including the origin,growth,development,discoverings,merits,demerits,methodologies,impacts,significance or importance,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Knowledge & Education make the world go ‘round. Every subject in school is a revelation to us when we are young and our education extends through our lifetimes. School is a big part of this, but we all know that our self-education is equally important. School is for learning how to learn and then our own interests take us further down the … Keep Reading → educational path. Knowledge is central to education, whose purpose is ultimately to advance knowledge. Along the way, some decisions are made by educators, but even more are made by the students themselves. This section contains information and discussions about schools, colleges and universities, and the subjects taught – which grow as our lives become more complex. Parents need knowledge of education techniques and how to deal with homework questions, college planning, and information that helps their children figure out their path. Students benefit from reading about how others found their way and made important decisions. The curriculum areas help us look at areas of interest and may be inspirational and informative. Technology, what could be more pervasive in our 21st-century lives? Technology is any advance in making useful things. Most technologies are based on the sciences - engineering, industry, energy, communications, computers, electronics, transportation, etc. Technological developments began with the Stone Age and have included industrial … Keep Reading → technology, the steam engine, railroads, photography, the printing press, telephones, automobiles, electricity, radio, synthetic fibers and rubber, aircraft, television, nuclear energy, lasers, space exploration, computers, personal electronics, the Internet, and green and alternative energy. Technological advances take place in every country of the world and affect our lives in many positive ways, lessening physical barriers to communication and allowing humans to interact freely on a global scale.. It is tricky, though, to keep up with the innovations and each new, new thing. If you want to compete in today’s world, it is important to keep up with technology in order to get the most out of the technology you have, to keep abreast of emerging new technology, and to find the information that will help you make the right buying decisions.
5. Social Sciences
Feel free to post the latest and best events of social sciences including merits,demerits,reasonable criticism,growth,development,importance or significance,methodologies,features,impacts,heritage and its achievements or contributions in the world! Social science is the academic discipline concerned with society and human behavior. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to anthropology, archaeology, criminology, economics, education, history, linguistics, communication studies, political science and international relations, sociology, geography, law, and psychology.
6. Personal Finance
Personal Finance is the application of the principles of finance to the monetary decisions of an individual or family unit. It addresses the ways in which individuals or families obtain, budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events. Components of personal finance might … Keep Reading → include checking and savings accounts, credit cards and consumer loans, investments in the stock market, retirement plans, social security benefits, insurance policies, and income tax management. Topics in this area include assessing one’s personal financial situation, setting goals, creating a detailed financial plan, discipline and perseverance in executing the plan, and monitoring and reassessment of one’s plan over time. There is a lot of advice out there, and an individual can make informed opinions when given enough information. This is the place to read and talk about retirement planning, investing, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, credit, taxes, saving money, debt management, and more.
7. Autos
Automotive topics inspire much opinion, passion, and interest. Many people claim that vehicles are simple transportation, but most people feel strongly about what they drive – and what they want to ultimately drive. Buying and selling vehicles is a big investment requiring knowledge, research, patience, and timing. The care and maintenance of … Keep Reading → vehicles is the difference between making that investment pay off or wasting money. Learning how to drive is a milestone in life, but it is also a continual process as traffic and vehicles change. We all have an interest in how to drive safely and efficiently. Keeping up with the car industry is fun for some, but confusing for others. Getting advice and information and making decisions on automotive topics is important to our vehicle-centric society. People have questions about car buying, ownership, maintenance, repairs, insurance and other automotive topics, and there are many experts and knowledgeable people who want to share information with this appreciative audience.
8. Books, Literature, and Writing
Books writing go back thousands of years. We have gone from clay tablets and papyrus lists to community-written encyclopedias and user-generated content on the Internet. Our writings store the thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of individuals, groups, and societies. There are many types of writing and books, from religious works to … Keep Reading → non-fiction to plays and stories, to periodicals like newspapers and magazines. In our everyday world of school and business, we write and read all the time – so we have many questions about how to write, how to publish, what to read. Publishing has exploded from print into the world of the Internet, where our inner novelist, chronicler, or explainer is free to expound for thousands to read. We are a society of communicators via writing and we know that it preserves thoughts and ideas that would otherwise be lost. Writers look for inspiration, for guidance, for information on grammar, spelling, style, making money, and more. In this time of social networking sites and self-publishing, it is a revolution for both writers and readers.
9.Pets and Animals
Pets & Animals are kept by many people as companions – the most common being cats and dogs. Other mammals make good pets, like rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, and hamsters. Some people keep reptiles, amphibians, and fish in tanks or other enclosures. Others have birds in cages. The first domesticated, or tame, animals were kept by ancient people … Keep Reading → since about 2000 BC, but we are interested in animals in general and love to learn more about them, including extinct prehistoric animals. We want to be aware of wild animals and insects in our environment. With our pets, there are questions about how to choose them, how to care for and feed them. We trust the veterinarian, but some matters can be handled without paying for advice. Fellow animal lovers offer advice and encouragement in situations where the owner can use others’ expertise to make improvements in their pet’s life.
Technology, what could be more pervasive in our 21st-century lives? Technology is any advance in making useful things. Most technologies are based on the sciences - engineering, industry, energy, communications, computers, electronics, transportation, etc. Technological developments began with the Stone Age and have included industrial … Keep Reading → technology, the steam engine, railroads, photography, the printing press, telephones, automobiles, electricity, radio, synthetic fibers and rubber, aircraft, television, nuclear energy, lasers, space exploration, computers, personal electronics, the Internet, and green and alternative energy. Technological advances take place in every country of the world and affect our lives in many positive ways, lessening physical barriers to communication and allowing humans to interact freely on a global scale.. It is tricky, though, to keep up with the innovations and each new, new thing. If you want to compete in today’s world, it is important to keep up with technology in order to get the most out of the technology you have, to keep abreast of emerging new technology, and to find the information that will help you make the right buying decisions.
11. Sports and Recreation
Watching sports is one of the favorite recreational activities for people all over the world. When we think of sports we often think of the great athletes that play sports such as football and baseball; but some of the finest athletes in all of sports are not human. There are popular sports that feature the grace and athleticism of animals. … Keep Reading → Horse racing is enjoyed by people all over the world. Classic races such as The Kentucky Derby and the rest of the “Triple Crown” races attract huge crowds at the track as well as on television. Another significant event in horse racing is the Breeders Cup, which is a series of races that attracts the best horses in a variety of categories. Horses show their athletic ability in other competitions as well. Equestrian is a more controlled sport that features horses maneuvering through a course and performing various jumps. Horses aren’t the only animal that competes in sports. Though not as popular, dog racing has a loyal base of fans. Perhaps because dogs are often beloved pets, the concept of dog racing has never gained widespread acceptance.
12. Business and Employment
Business & jobs: not many topics are much more important to people of the 21st century. With the rise of technology and more than six billion people on our planet, our options have both grown and shrunk. What we choose to do for a job or career often guides our life and happiness. There are topics for job seekers, career builders, and students … Keep Reading → looking toward the future. Others want to read the latest business and stock market news, financial advice, and information on global economy. The mass of information about commercial, financial, and industrial activities; production and manufacture, exchange and distribution of goods or commodities, and the management of money and other assets makes most of us look to those with training and experience for advice and answers. Because our work landscape has changed so much the past decade and will continue to evolve, business skills are a hot topic. What we once looked up in a book, we now often look up on the Internet. What was once created by hand may now be programmatically done. We all feel the need to keep up, to retain our jobs, move ahead, and make changes that will benefit our work life.
13. Religion and Philosophy
Religion and Beliefs are complex topics. There are many different religions, each with their own beliefs. Those beliefs are interpreted and practiced differently by each person in a religion. Religions try to explain the creation of man, the essence of life and being human, and offer suggestions for leading good, fulfilling lives. Some of the … Keep Reading → most popular religions had their origins thousands of years ago: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Religions usually have a god or deities that are worshipped; others have teachings that guide the way the believers live. Religions may build structures in which to worship: churches, temples, synagogues, shrines, etc. They may have documents, such as the Bible and Koran, that they follow, and special symbols. There are people who lead the religions and the ceremonies in the places of worship, including ministers, priests, bishops, and popes. Each religion has religious holidays and feasts that are celebrated. There are also those who do not believe or who are skeptical or undecided. Religion and beliefs are concerned with social issues, history, and politics. Religious belief can also involve causes, principles, or activities believed in with zeal or conscientious devotion concerning points or matters of ethics or conscience.
14. Politics and Social Issues
Politics & Social Issues are matters directly or indirectly affecting members of society and the processes by which groups of people make collective decisions. The election and behavior of civil governments is the main form of politics, but there are other interactions, such as with corporate, academic, and religious institutions. Basically it … Keep Reading → consists of social relations and issues involving authority or power. Social issues are considered to be problems or controversies, usually related to moral values, and religion often plays an important role. Specific social issues include abortion, animal rights, church and state, crime and punishment, the economy, education, the environment, health insurance, human rights, poverty. Many people choose an issue they care deeply about and want to do something about. What do you care about? This is a place to research issues and hear what others have to say.
15. Arts and Design
Arts and crafts comprise a whole host of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands and skill. Every culture and person throughout history has created arts and crafts. Visual art takes many forms – drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture, interior design, and graphic arts like photography and printing. Basket … Keep Reading → makers, wood carvers, furniture makers, stonemasons, and those who sew are craftspeople. Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. Each person forms his own opinions, his own preferences in art, and his own style of creating art. Crafts are different from other art forms as they are concerned with function as well as beauty: they are made to be used. Many people work in arts and crafts industries, but even more do arts and crafts as the outlet for their creativity. Every technique and medium of art requires tools and materials,. The quality of the tools and materials is as important as what the artist brings to the exercise. An understanding of the techniques and media is vital. People who make arts and crafts are passionate and want to share their knowledge with others.
16. Entertainment and Media
Entertainment consists of the activities and diversions we participate in to amuse ourselves during some of our leisure time. Entertainment is defined as generally passive: watching broadcasts or movies, seeing a play or musical performance, reading books, etc. As much as we are drawn to active pursuits such as arts and crafts and recreation and … Keep Reading → sports, we make a place in our downtime for letting others make us laugh, cry, or learn. The entertainment industry is full of celebrities that we enjoy watching as well as finding out what they do, who they are with, and how they live. And then there is music: the many genres, artists, songs, and ways to enjoy them. The “top 40” on the radio is a thing of the past and personal playlists define us now. The staged variety shows are no more, but reality shows and contestants competing in all sorts of performing arts and recreational pursuits are the norm. Entertainment media is part of our everyday life.
17. Health
Health problems and advice, tips on general well being. Health is something we cherish. People want trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information. They want to read about symptoms and get an idea of what they are dealing with if there is a problem. There’s much to know about prescription and over-the-counter drugs. And the endless array of tests and procedures make us ask many … Keep Reading → questions so we understand risks and results. Mainly, we want to do what we can to live a healthy lifestyle without going overboard. Finding the right exercise regime, a balanced diet, and other healthful ways of living have fueled billion-dollar industries. Shared expertise empowers you to manage your health. Information and tools for a healthy lifestyle help us move toward overall health, which is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
18.Gender and Relationships
Gender and Relationships Gender & Relationships is an area full of stories, good and bad and in between, as well as myriad advice. Relationships and gender differences require understanding. One of the most important journeys in human life is the quest for a satisfying, enduring love relationship. This search is nearly universal, and a lasting love is the goal of most … Keep Reading → people in most societies. This search has an unparalleled power and immerses us in many of the strongest emotions we will experience in our entire lives. We look for ways to make a relationship work better for both men and women. Some potential problems reflect important gender differences and needs, while others involve gendered expectations about the love relationship itself. Our search for love relationships is also influenced by deep-seated ideas about how women and men "should" behave in courtship, love, and marriage. We look for an enhanced understanding of what both women and men bring to a love relationship, and -- just as important -- what they need to get from it. Real thoughts of real people. There are few topics more interesting to students than gender differences and romantic relationships.
19.Holidays and Celebrations
Holidays & Celebrations are cause for fun, but also stress. We want ideas, clever ones, but also easy enough to carry out without making what is supposed to be fun into a burden. Here’s the place for people to share their tips and hints for holiday fun, special occasions, and seasonal activities; party planning, and gift-giving. Behind every … Keep Reading → holiday or celebration, though, there is a story or stories. It’s great to learn how these occasions started and evolved, how they were originally celebrated and what is different now. Birthdays and anniversaries are times of remembrance and also thinking about the future. Some celebrations and holidays require costumes, greeting cards, games and activities, special recipes, and arts and crafts. Whether you are looking to freshen up an old tradition or initiate a new one, it helps to read about others’ successes as well as failures. With planning and deep breathing, most celebrations and holidays are happy events.
20. Food and Cooking
Food for thought is a saying, but what is more thought-about than food? It’s a passion – what we eat, where to eat, what to cook, how to cook, plus all the associated topics such as diet and nutrition, cookware and kitchen equipment, dishes, party ideas, cooking techniques, farming, and food shopping. We own cookbooks, but we want to know … Keep Reading → about others’ favorites. We have recipes we have mastered, but are always looking to collect others’ favorites and try out new ones. There’s the million little secrets, hints, and tips that make these projects so challenging and fun. But we are also a society of diners, partaking more and more of foods prepared in markets, delis, specialty shops, and restaurants. Information on what’s healthy and what’s not is a fascination we witness on a daily basis. Today’s generation of eaters want as much information and expertise as they can get and welcome chances to try out many new ingredients, dishes, and techniques. We also want ease and simplicity because our time is a commodity.
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