An Israeli F-16I fighter plane takes off from Ramon Air Base in southern Israel in 2008. Foreign Policy magazine reports that Israel is developing a 'secret staging ground' in Azerbaijan for a possible air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Gil Cohen/Reuters/File
AFP: 47% of Israelis would back unilateral Iran strike: poll
Jerusalem (AFP) - Almost half of Israelis would support a unilateral strike to prevent Iran obtaining the atomic bomb, an opinion poll carried out after Tuesday's nuclear deal between Tehran and major powers found.
Nearly three-quarters of respondents in the poll published by the Maariv newspaper on Friday said they thought the agreement would accelerate Iran's development of a nuclear weapon, not prevent it as claimed by the powers.
Asked "Do you support independent military action by Israel against Iran if such action is needed to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon?" 47 percent said yes, 35 percent said no and 18 percent expressed no opinion.
WNU Editor: No details on how this poll was done have been released ... but if true, it appears that for half of the Israeli population they are hoping (there is that word again ... hope) that by doing nothing war will not come to their borders. If this is the case .... for Israeli PM Netanyahu this is a difficult position to be in .... how can you justify going to war when a good part of your population is against it.