U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on a nuclear deal with Iran at American University in Washington August 5, 2015. REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST
Peyton M. Craighill, Washington Post: Obama’s Iran deal will pass Congress, but it keeps losing public support
American opinions continue to erode when it comes to the Iran nuclear deal. A bare 51 percent majority supports the agreement and 41 percent oppose it, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Opinions have moved from a 2-to-1 margin in support in March (59-31 support-oppose) before the final agreement was negotiated between Iran, the United States and five other world powers. Support was lower still, 45 percent, in a separate support question which included fewer details about the agreement.
The decline in support has been driven by Republicans, who moved from 47 percent support in March to 30 percent now. Support has slipped among independents, but by a smaller degree. Two-thirds of Democrats currently support the deal, as do half of independents.
WNU Editor: This Washington Post-ABC News poll gives the best numbers on the Iranian deal than all the other polls .... all the other polls show support for the deal at around 40%. But I suspect that this support is tepid at best .... and U.S. Senate Democrat reluctance to put this treaty to a vote is confirmation to me that even they do not have the stomach to fight and put on the record their support for the bill. I guess even they know that Iran's rhetoric of destroying Israel and "Death to America" aside .... all that it would take is one terrorist attack (with Iranian fingerprints on it) to make this support (what little there is) to crater even further, and those who supported this agreement to be held accountable for it..