ABC News: Lawyer: Bowe Bergdahl 'In Physical Danger' From Fellow Soldiers
Ahead of a key hearing this week in his case of alleged desertion, former Taliban prisoner Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's defense team told a military tribunal that he has been "in physical danger" for a year from fellow soldiers who are angry over claims he betrayed his country.
Bergdahl's civilian defense lawyer Eugene Fidell said former military and intelligence officers appearing in conservative news media had vilified Bergdahl and stoked hatred over social media such as Facebook over Bergdahl’s perceived misconduct while in captivity. Fidell provided examples from the "Bergdahl is a Traitor" page.
Update: Bowe Bergdahl 'in physical danger' from fellow soldiers who feel he betrayed his country says his lawyer ahead of his trial for desertion -- Daily Mail
WNU Editor: Duh!!!!!