Washington Post: Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army
President Obama, in a historic first for the Pentagon, has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning to lead the Army, a move that would make him the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services.
Fanning’s nomination is the latest in a series of actions taken by the administration to advance the rights of gays and lesbians throughout the federal government. The Obama administration has overhauled internal policies to provide benefits to same-sex partners, appointed gay men and lesbians to the executive branch and the federal bench and ended the 18-year ban on gays serving openly in the military.
Fanning, who must still be confirmed by the Senate, has been a specialist on defense and national security issues for more than 25 years in Congress and the Pentagon. As Army secretary, he would be partnered with Gen. Mark Milley, who took over as the Army’s top general in August. Together the two men would assume responsibility for the Pentagon’s largest and most troubled service.
WNU Editor: What I find interesting about this story is how the main stream media is going ga-ga in covering it .... I know that if he was straight his nomination would not be even be mentioned. I guess I should not be surprised .... social issues like this one are far more important to many in the main stream media than covering stories like this one .... Army lays out plan to cut 40,000 soldiers (Army Times).
More News On President Obama Nominating The First Openly Gay Civilian To The Post Of Secretary Of The Army
Eric Fanning, Civilian Adviser, Named Secretary of the Army -- NYT
Obama to Nominate Eric Fanning for Army, Would Be 1st Openly Gay Service Chief -- NBC
Obama Pick Would Be First Openly Gay Service Chief -- AP
Obama to Nominate First Openly Gay Leader of Army -- Time
Obama Eric Fanning Army Nomination: Gay Civilian Recommended To Be Secretary Of Military Branch -- IBTimes
Obama Nominates Fanning as US Army Secretary -- Defense News