National Defense: Gen. Welsh Makes Subtle Digs at A-10 Supporters, F-35 Critics
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh has heard one too many times that his service doesn't care about close-air support missions.
"Really? I'm kind of tired of hearing that," he said Sept. 15 at the Air Force Association conference.
The Air Force has averaged about 20,000 CAS sorties per year for the last seven years. "At what point do we get a little bit of acknowledgement for that?" Noting that airmen who require protection serve on the ground, as well as his own son who is a Marine Corps infantry officer, Welsh characterized the notion that the Air Force puts a low priority on close-air support as "silly."
He has answered those who have told him to his face that the Air Force doesn't care about CAS by taking out his phone and showing them a picture of his son.
Update: Welsh: The Air Force cares about close-air support -- U.S. Air Force
WNU Editor: Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh has given me no reason to be believe that his position on the F-35 and A-10 is the correct one. The above video is from 6 months ago, and it is Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh making his case to retire the A-10.