The Guardian: Ukraine bans journalists who 'threaten national interests' from country
BBC correspondents Steve Rosenberg and Emma Wells among those sanctioned by president, along with Russian state media channels
Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko has banned two BBC correspondents from Ukraine along with many Russian journalists and public figures.
The long-serving BBC Moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg and producer Emma Wells have been barred from entering the country, according to a list published on the presidential website on Wednesday. The decree says those listed were banned for one year for being a “threat to national interests” or promoting “terrorist activities”.
BBC cameraman Anton Chicherov was also banned, along with Spanish journalists Antonio Pampliega and Ángel Sastre, who went missing, presumed kidnapped, in Syria in July.
WNU Editor: The Ukraine government has reversed this ban for 3 BBC journalists .... Ukraine allows BBC journalists to remain (The Guardian). What's my take on this media ban .... if the situation was improving in Ukraine the government would not even be bothered with banning the media .... they would be too busy touting their successes (even to Russia TV). Unfortunately .... the situation in Ukraine is bad and getting worse. The economy is not improving, and while the appointment of American economist Arthur Laffer is a positive one .... Former Economic Adviser to Reagan and Thatcher Hired by Ukrainian Government (Newsweek/Reuters) .... it will be years before his suggested reforms (if implemented) would have an impact. The big fear is that if this economic crisis continues .... the possibility of another Maiden revolution in 2016 is possible. Ukraine President Poroshenko's popularity is in the low 20s (percentage wise), and the Ukrainian nationalists have made it very clear that they want him (and much of the Ukraine parliament) gone. Will they organize together for Maiden II .... we shall see. The situation in the rebel east is just as bad. The economy is non-existent, militias are in control, and much of the population has fled the war-zones. Absent a political settlement .... which I do not see happening .... this is going to be the defacto situation in eastern Ukraine for the foreseeable future. The war may be quiet now .... but as we have learned in the past year .... this can all quickly change within 24 hours.