New York Times: Tulsi Gabbard, Rising Democratic Star From Hawaii, Makes Mark on Party by Defying It
WASHINGTON — Between the chilly temperatures and the pace of the push-ups, there was plenty to complain about after eight lawmakers straggled into the park behind the Longworth House Office Building for their regular 6:30 a.m. workout.
While the others in the group griped and groaned on a recent Tuesday, Representative Tulsi Gabbard, 34, her Hindu prayer beads wrapped around a wrist for her daily yoga meditation, said little.
“Tulsi, you hearing a lot of whining?” asked Representative Markwayne Mullin, a burly Oklahoma Republican and former professional mixed martial arts fighter who leads the workouts, mocking the complaints of her companions.
“I’m feeling like whining,” she replied between push-ups.
Update: US Congresswoman Introduces Bill To Stop "Illegal" War On Assad; Says CIA Ops Must Stop (Russian Insider).
WNU Editor: The above New York Times is a "puff - piece", but she is a staking a foreign policy position that I am sure that the elites in the both political parties are not supportive of (See above video). Kudos for her .... the U.S. definitely needs more people like her in Washington.
Hat Tip to RRH for the above Russian Insider link.