Reuters: Russia didn't give downed jet's flight plan to U.S.: U.S. officials
Russia did not inform the U.S. military of its jet's flight plan before Turkey shot it down on Tuesday, despite assertions to the contrary by Russian President Vladimir Putin, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Putin has suggested some degree of U.S. culpability in the aftermath of the incident, even hinting that the United States might have given detailed Russian operational plans to Turkey ahead of time.
Addressing reporters in Moscow on Thursday, Putin said "we informed our American partners" about when and where Russian aircraft would be operating. It was "precisely" then that the Turkish air force shot down the Russian warplane, Putin said.
"The question arises: Why did we pass on that information to the Americans," Putin asked.
WNU Editor: Who to believe .... Russian President Putin or some anonymous U.S. officials. In the past I would have easily given the benefit of the doubt to the U.S. officials, but this conflict has morphed into something else, and who is right or wrong can no longer be guaranteed. Case in point .... even this retired top U.S. air force General has doubts ..... Top U.S. Air Defense Commander: Turkey’s Shootdown of Russian Jet “Had to Be PRE-PLANNED” (Zero Hedge).