The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia
Task & Purpose: The Military’s 5 Biggest Procurement Fails Since 9/11
President Donald Trump has been very clear about his intention to increase our nation’s investment into defense spending. Many other departments have not fared as well with him, some having up to one-third of their budget slashed in proposed cuts citing rampant waste. The dirty little secret that anyone who has served knows is that the military is actually one of the worst offenders when it comes to wasting American tax dollars.
Of course, the F-35 joint strike fighter is one of the first items that come to mind when we think about bloated, over-budget expenditures. But it’s not the only big-money item that has contributed to our nation’s $20 trillion debt. Unfortunately, some of these programs were not just wasted money, but have also put service members’ lives at risk. If the big defense contractors are strippers, then these five items are the goods they showed to get the generals and civilian military leadership to make it rain.
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WNU Editor: There have been many Pentagon procurement failures .... the above list is just the tip of a very big iceberg.