President Trump addresses Congress in Washington, DC on February 28, 2017. (Reuters / Jim Bourg)
The Hill: Trump feud with GOP senators threatens foreign policy
President Trump’s personal feud with two Senate Republicans has ramifications for his goals on national security and foreign policy in the months ahead.
Trump needs Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) to confirm his nominees to crucial positions, defend his administration’s positions and pass key legislative priorities.
The president is embroiled in highly-public spats with both men, however, which could make things tricky.
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WNU Editor: The Congress has already threatened President Trump's foreign policy priorities by blocking President Trump's desire to improve relations with Russia by imposing additional sanctions. My prediction .... I expect more Congressional initiatives that will run contrary to what the White House wants .... and the end result is easy to predict .... since there are now many voices speaking and dictating U.S. foreign policy instead of one, expect a lot of confusion and uncertainty in the message and in policy initiatives.