This Marine Shares His High Intensity Tactical Training Program
September 24, 2017
James Clark, Task & Purpose: The Marine Corps’ Ultimate Tactical Athlete Shares His Grueling Workout Routine
As part of the Marine Corps’ fitness overhaul, the service created the High Intensity Tactical Training program, a brutal workout regimen designed to build Marines’ combat fitness while minimizing injury. And with it, the Corps rolled out the Ultimate Tactical Athlete competition in 2015, which brings together top-tier male and female Marine athletes from across the Corps for a multi-day endurance and strength competition. Think of it like Ninja Warrior, but with more MARPAT and with some actual tactical relevance.
The winner of this year’s competition, Sgt. Ethan Mawhinney, an air-ground task force planner with Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, nabbed the first place title for the second year in a row.
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WNU Editor: The above video looks like my Cross-Fit routine. (Yes .... I started to do Cross-Fit to get back in shape .... and yes .... I am going very slow).
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