Popular Mechanics: Did the Military Crash a Mystery Plane in the Nevada Desert?
The Air Force isn't revealing any details about a "classified" aircraft involved in fatal crash.
The U.S. Air Force has refused to reveal the aircraft involved in a crash last week that claimed the life of the pilot. The incident, which took place at a training facility in Nevada, has sparked speculation that some kind of previously unknown aircraft was involved.
The incident took place on Tuesday, September 5. Unusually, the Air Force waited about three days to make the crash public. Consider two other crashes the service reported last week, one involving two A-10 Thunderbolt fighters and the other an Iraqi Air Force officer flying an F-16. In both cases the incident was reported the next day.
The more cryptic accident took place on the Nevada Test and Training Range, about 100 miles northwest of Nellis Air Force Base. The NTTR bills itself as the "the largest contiguous air and ground space available for peacetime military operations in the free world", with 2.9 million acres of land and 12,000 square miles of airspace to test equipment and train U.S. military forces.
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WNU Editor: Speculation on the classified plane that crashed is now starting .... Here are some theories about which classified plane crashed near Nellis Air Force base (Business Insider).