Is Pakistan Making Progress In Countering Terrorism?
December 12, 2017
Michael Kugelman, War On The Rocks: Progress and Peril in North Waziristan
Last month, I had a rare opportunity to visit North Waziristan, a Pakistani tribal region blessed with rugged beauty, yet cursed with a long history of conflict. Long a haven for terrorists, both local and foreign, it’s been described as the most dangerous place on earth.
My visit was eye-opening — but it also raised some unsettling questions. There were clear signs that Pakistan has made progress in countering terrorism in North Waziristan, but also good reason to believe that a less positive picture lay beyond the small area I saw. Moreover, Pakistan’s efforts in the region cannot be designated an unqualified success, given its lack of decisive action against certain terror groups, particularly the Haqqani Network. I also was struck by how easily the progress made could be squandered, thanks to the enduring presence and appeal of extremism around the country. Ultimately, the North Waziristan counterterrorism campaign highlights the broader disagreements between the United States and Pakistan over the latter’s support for militants, a divide that has widened with the Trump administration’s threats to Pakistan over its ties to terrorists.
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WNU Editor: Pakistan showed this reporter what they wanted him to see. But it is true that terror incidents have decreased in Paksitan this past year .... and heh .... they felt that at least this part of the country was safe enough for an American reporter to be giving a tour, albeit probably under heavy protection.
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