These Are The Countries That Have Banned Christmas
December 24, 2017
Newsweek: The Real War on Christmas: North Korea, Somalia, and the Other Countries Where Celebrating Jesus's Birth Is Banned
President Donald Trump claims to have re-invented Christmas. Throughout the month of December, Trump has used every opportunity to appear standing in front of a Christmas tree, and he recently promised supporters that the U.S. would start saying “Merry Christmas” again, instead of the politically correct “happy holidays.”
Implicit in these pronouncements is Trump’s belief that former President Barack Obama wasn’t enthusiastic enough about Christmas. Despite rumors to the contrary, however, the Obama White House did display a nativity scene during the holidays, and hosted an annual Christmas event.
Not every country’s government is so enthusiastic about celebrating the birth of Jesus as the U.S., however, and some countries have actually banned Christmas altogether. Here's a rundown of countries where celebrating the holiday could come with real risk.
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WNU Editor: Saudi Arabia, Somalia, North Korea, Tajikistan, and Brunei.
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