.@ambcuitianki, here’s what’s not a conspiracy, not a theory:— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) February 9, 2020
Fact: China lied about virus starting in Wuhan food market https://t.co/Jgpy1Oh75Y
Politico: Chinese diplomat pushes back against coronavirus 'rumors' from GOP senator
Ambassador Cui Tiankai slammed comments from Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton.
Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai on Sunday pushed back on what he called “suspicion” and “rumors” about the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus.
In an interview with CBS’ Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation,“ Cui acknowledged that “a lot is still unknown, and our scientists, Chinese scientist, American scientists, scientists of other countries are doing their best to learn more about the virus.”
But when asked about comments made last week by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) — who, according to Brennan, suggested the virus may have come from China’s biological warfare program — Cui did not mince words.
“It's very harmful, it’s very dangerous to stir up suspicion, rumors and spread them among the people,” he said Sunday. “For one thing, this will create panic. Another thing is that it will fan up racial discrimination, xenophobia, all these things that will really harm our joint efforts to combat the virus.”
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Update: Angry Chinese Ambassador Slams US Senator For "Absolutely Crazy" Theory Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon (Zero Hedge).
WNU Editor: Racism has nothing to do with the coronavirus. It is silly remarks like this one that makes me wonder if the Chinese government is hiding something.