Forbes: East Africa Braces For A Locust Outbreak Possibly 20 Times Worse Than The First (Photos)
Topline: East Africa is anticipating a second, larger wave of the worst locust outbreak seen in seven decades, as the swarms of billions of insects threaten food security in the already vulnerable region—and exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, as closed borders make supplies harder to access.
* The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said the swarm of locusts present “an extremely alarming and unprecedented threat” to food security and livelihoods—according to the UN, a locust swarm of just more than a third of a square mile can eat the same amount of food in a single day as 35,000 people.
* A second wave is approaching, experts say, and may be 20 times larger than the initial locust attack.
* Kenyan officials told AP that coronavirus crackdowns have slowed efforts to fight the infestation, as crossing borders has become more difficult and the delivery of necessary pesticides has been held up and aerial spraying is the only effective means of controlling locusts.
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More News On A Second Larger Swarm Of Locusts Returning To Eastern Africa
Billions of locusts ravage East Africa, and coronavirus has made them harder to stop -- USA Today/AP
'Unprecedented threat': New locust outbreak threatens millions in eastern Africa -- Washington Examiner
Uganda faces food shortage as coronavirus disrupts locust fight -- Al Jazeera
Fast-Growing Locust Plague Could Crush East Africa by June as Numbers Set to Surge 400-Fold -- Sputnik
Billions of locusts pose ‘unprecedented threat’ to millions in Africa -- NY Daily News
Two new generations of locusts are set to descend on East Africa again—400 times stronger -- Quartz
African Locust Outbreak Returns; Second Wave Approximately 20 Times Larger -- Zero Hedge