Chinese President Xi Jinping visits the Covi-19 epicenter Wuhan, Hubei Province, on Mar 10. Photo: AFP
Francesco Sisci, Asia Times: Forget a coup against Chinese President Xi
Chinese leader may have made initial mistakes in responding to the virus threat but his preeminent position is still secure.
At the beginning of the epidemic in late January and early February, much of the foreign press argued that the coronavirus was China’s moment of crisis that would trigger political turmoil to bring down the Beijing government.
As this narrative faded away before the massive and effective government response to the virus, a new narrative has emerged – that paramount leader Xi Jinping is under threat because many Chinese officials blame him for the outbreak of the epidemic and are about to mount a coup to topple him.
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WNU Editor: He will survive, but he has had a hit on his credibility, and many outside of Beijing have become even more unhappy with the current status quo.